Yechgan masalalari

# Masala Yuborilgan vaqt Vaqt Xotira Til
0615 Raqamlari yig'indisi 01.11.2022 10:57 38 ms 962 KB python3
0630 Plus Mania GAME 16.11.2023 11:03 54 ms 280 KB python3 pypy
0639 Azimjon va Kublar 01.11.2022 11:20 71 ms 970 KB python3
0643 Spelling game 01.11.2022 11:28 84 ms 1038 KB python3 pypy
0647 Ikkilik almashtiruv 25.11.2023 08:38 64 ms 3248 KB python3
0649 Week days 09.10.2023 12:03 64 ms 488 KB python3
0693 Teskari So’zlardan iborat Matn 31.10.2022 10:59 55 ms 1002 KB python3
0694 bitwise AND 03.10.2023 09:33 257 ms 1670 KB python3
0697 Game the name 22.02.2024 10:02 65 ms 128 KB python3 pypy
0714 Shakl 16.11.2023 11:07 62 ms 1268 KB python3 pypy
0782 Chiroyli sonlar #1 27.09.2023 10:23 65 ms 1666 KB python3
0783 Chiroyli sonlar #2 27.09.2023 10:30 78 ms 1662 KB python3
0707 Mr. Quloq 17.09.2022 12:12 51 ms 830 KB python3 cpp ruby pypy
0688 Noodatiy dastur 10.09.2023 14:49 17 ms 1634 KB python3 pypy
0728 Birinchi bo'linuvchi 29.10.2022 11:29 64 ms 994 KB python3
0716 AB, BA 08.02.2024 10:25 56 ms 1724 KB pypy
0710 Degree Game 29.09.2023 10:26 78 ms 1674 KB python3
0815 Dasturchilik talablari 27.09.2022 11:26 30 ms 794 KB python2 python3 java cpp csharp js pascal php ruby swift java8 c dotnet8 java20
0732 SITA 16.11.2023 11:44 53 ms 288 KB python3 pypy
0762 Persistent Segment Tree (HARD) 26.10.2023 12:04 250 ms 118048 KB cpp