Foydalanuvchi Ulugbek | Masala 2 and 3 #1
# Foydalanuvchi Masala Til Holati Vaqt Xotira Yuborilgan vaqt
1633693 Ulugbek 2 and 3 #1 python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 19 ms 982 KB 17.01.2023 22:38
1633690 Ulugbek 2 and 3 #1 python3 Wrong answer (test 7) 24 ms 974 KB 17.01.2023 22:35
1633687 Ulugbek 2 and 3 #1 python3 Wrong answer (test 7) 23 ms 910 KB 17.01.2023 22:27